Take a look at this video…the Democratic Party Platform reads:
Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel. The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.
Yup, that’s what the Democratic Party platform reads NOW…after the democrats realized they’d messed up and by eliminating support for Jerusalem and Israel from the platform, for the first time ever, they were showing their hands a bit too much. Even the American Jews were protesting this – even the American Jews. And so they set about taking a vote.
How utterly humiliating that in the end, to pass this “amendment” – the speaker had to lie. There was a vote – he didn’t get his 2/3 majority voice vote that was required and so he ran the vote again…and finally, he ran the vote a THIRD time. Finally, not getting his results – one has to assume he either was hard of hearing or, much more likely, realized the only way to get Jerusalem back on the platform was to lie.
What an amazing abuse of the concept of democracy – take a vote, and if you don’t like it, take it again. And, unbelievably, if you STILL don’t like it – go for a third one. Look at the anger and the body language of the democratic delegates. This is the America of Barack Hussein Obama and if Jerusalem was added this time to the platform, I firmly believe it won’t be there next time. More and more, the democratic party is becoming the voice for Arab Americans – Obama speaks their language.
They lost this vote – with God’s help, they’ll lose the vote in November as well.
They have Jerusalem as part of Israel in the platform, but the State Department still gives Jerusalem to the Arabs.
If Obama wins, Israel will be destroyed by him.
I also posted that pathetic news film.
This is Obama’s dictatorship type running of our government. He has used the “executive privilege” many times when the votes did not go his way. This is his way around a Democratic government. I do hope you are right in that he will lose the election. I believe the American people are asleep and I don’t have much faith. He will be the next Hugo Chavez and is paving the way for the anti Christ.
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