Anyone who is familiar with Israel and its medical community knows that hundreds of thousands of Arabs are treated yearly in our hospitals, without discrimination (and often at little or no cost). When Israel pulled out of Gaza in the Summer of 2005, forcibly expelling more than 9,000 of its own citizens in a unilateral (and most people now say decidedly misguided) attempt at peace, it should, by all rights, have washed itself of any responsibility to the inhabitants of Gaza. They are on their own, as they so wanted – and yet they still want to come into Israel to work; they still receive water and electricity from Israel; they still demand aid and more.
In their recent civil war, fleeing Fatah Palestinians have demanded that Israel offer them free passage through Israeli lands to help them escape Hamas.
And, once again, Israel has answered the call to help save Palestinians – even when their own Arab brothers fail them:
Throughout the day the following humanitarian aid was transferred from Israel into Gaza with the coordination of the Gaza District Coordination and Liaison Office;
- Trucks transferring food via the Kerem Shalom crossing: 200 tons of flour, 40 tons of meat, 90,000 liters of milk and 25,000 liters of cooking oil.
- Medical supplies as well as 98,000 vaccines against Chicken pox, Tuberculosis, Tetanus and Rubella were passed via Erez Crossing.
- 420,000 liters of diesel, 45,000 liters of gasoline, 43,000 liters of oil and 325 liters of cooking gas were transferred via the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.
- Nine injured and chronically ill Palestinians were taken by the IDF to Israeli hospitals for medical treatment, including a 17 year old teenager suffering from Leukemia.
- Over 150 foreign citizens staying in Gaza were assisted to cross into Israel.
- The DCL has been also handing out throughout the day food and water to the Palestinians staying at the crossing.
All this after European observers fled in fear for their lives, where the UN has evacuated and the Americans and others have urged their citizens to flee.
I happen into this blog by chance, and I’m glad I did.
Thank you for that post; this is information we don’t hear in the US.