Elie’s back at the base…no, wait….
Elie needs to speak to the Battalion Commander – who probably wants to make sure Elie is not upset about the way things were handled. The manpower logistics person called Elie to make sure he’d gotten his orders. The person from the training camp in the south called him as well. All realize that the mistake was the army’s and all seem to care that Elie knows they meant no harm to him.
From his side, he’s fine. He’s back on base, but apparently, they don’t yet have things set for him. “So what should I do?” Elie asked.
“Go home and come back Sunday,” came the answer.
So, my phone rang a few minutes ago. “Ima, I have good news and bad news.”
As always, I want the bad news and was thrilled to hear it was only that the head of the battalion didn’t have a chance to speak to him. And the good news, “I can come home till Sunday. Can you pick me up?” He’s got three heavy backpacks and no where to leave them.
So – Shabbat shalom everyone – this week, I’ll gather all my children home for the Shabbat. I can’t wait!
Lucky you to have all your kids for Shabbat. No doubt that is a rare occurrence these days. I know that it doesn’t happen to us that often. We once went through a four month period where my sons didn’t see each other, as their home for Shabbat schedules didn’t coincide.
What fun!!
My baby has his first post idf miluim. He was in chul for 2 years, plus other visits …