Another post on Times of Israel that I just made – again, I wish my agreement would allow me to reproduce it in full, but part is here and you’ll need to follow the link for the rest…with apologies….
It’s the question of a generation, I think. In my parent’s generation, it was where were you when John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas. Everyone remembered; everyone knew. Now, it is where were you on 9/11. We had just moved to Maale Adumim a few months before. The children had come home from school and had turned the television on (for some reason, I feel I have to explain that I no longer have a television, but back then, we did).
They called me, or perhaps I saw the news bulletin. I don’t remember. It was just moments after the first tower had been hit, before the Pentagon, before the second tower. In that split second, I knew it had been a terror attack and I was amazed to hear the broadcasters wondering. “How can you wonder about that?” I remember thinking. “How can you possibly doubt it?”
It seemed like minutes later when they announced the hit on the Pentagon and then watched live as the second plane hit. Gone was the hesitation, the confusion. It was now clear to all that this was a terror attack in the United States.
We have to come together as women who hold up half the sky and know what is in each other’s hearts.. to understand and feel the authenticity of perspectives… to be able to walk in another’s moccasins. I hear you loud and clear…as a Canadian mother of a Canadian soldier, I come to read your posts… to understand with new eyes and heart.