A Mother’s Heartbreak

I’ve written often about Gilad Shalit over the last few years – too much and never enough. It is coming up on five years…five years. Two years ago, I wrote a list…the list has only gotten longer. What have you done in the last five years? How has your life changed….

  • We sold a house.
  • We bought a house.
  • Our daughter met someone special, got engaged and married.
  • Our son second son met someone special, got engaged and married.
  • One oldest son went into the army, went to war, and was discharged (to continue with Reserve duty for the next 20 years).
  • Another son went into the army.
  • Our third son reached the age of bar mitzvah…the day after Elie returned from the Gaza War.
  • Our youngest daughter entered school…and is now in fifth grade – all of elementary school has passed her by as Gilad sits in captivity.
  • We adopted two wonderful brothers…and saw each into and out of the army.
  • We bought a car and sold it, and bought another (in defense, the first was a lemon).
  • We graduated an additional 150 students from our technical writing class…spread over 12 courses – all in the last five years.
  • We welcomed our first grandchild into the world.
I’m sure the list could go on but the point remains. Always, Gilad remains.
And to balance this horrible situation, today’s newspaper carries  the text of a letter written by 12th graders of a military academy that will graduate and enter the army this coming August. They write, “If we are taken captive, don’t release murderous terrorists.” They write of their love for Gilad Shalit but add that Israel cannot afford to release terrorists in exchange for him. 
It is a sobering message from boys on the brink of tomorrow…today, they are teenagers but they know in a few months, they will walk the same path the Elie walked, Yaakov, Shmulik, Chaim…and Gilad. Elie and Yaakov and Chaim have finished the army – Shmulik will soon finish. Gilad remains suspended in time.
So this post is a mixed message – of Gilad, of these boys, of  my sons. I have no answers that I have not written before – only another mother’s heartbreak and the wish that things would change, that mountains would move, that the nations of the world would demand Gilad’s release.
Words…words are never enough. We must bring Gilad home…and do it without endanger these brave young men, about to start their service to our nation.

1 Comment

  1. A Soldier’s Mother- I am trying to raise money to fund a billboard in NY City near the UN building saying “Free Gilad Shalit.” Please help me get the word by telling people about my effort and posting this link to my campaign (where donations can be made):

    I spoke with the Shalit family’s campaign manager and they are supportive of this effort. You can message me on facebook. My name is Gal Sitty. Or search for my billboard effort at “Free Gilad Shalit Billboard”

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