Month: February 2013

Yes, Jonathan Pollard Again
Whatever you think about Jonathan Pollard, there are some basic facts of the case that cannot be ignored. Chief among them are: Jonathan Pollard has […]

It Shouldn’t be Happening Now…
This morning a rocket (or two according to some news sites) was fired at Ashkelon. No injuries, and of more concern, no siren to give […]

Where Danger Is…
Do you live in a dangerous place? I don’t. I honestly don’t. People think I do and sometimes warn me to be careful, but it’s […]

Bowing before Others
Did you ever write something a while back and read it and realize…wow…yes. That is what I meant. I was looking for something and found […]

Train Nice
Living in Israel is often a study on kindness between people. There are little things that people do that cost them nothing, or cost them […]

Ima, Don’t Freak Out…
Guaranteed words to freak out a mother, no? So, apparently my 13-year old daughter “got stuck in a tree.” What that apparently means is that […]

Early Responders…
For a while now, Elie has been part of a first-responders group of young men who answer any beeper call within reach of wherever they […]

February 13 – Starting Young…
On February 13, 2007, I stared at a blank screen and began to write. I went through the form to create a blog…something I’d been […]