goes to…and the envelope please….
Sorry, folks. This is very unusual, but necessary. In light of the current reality, we must award this year’s honor to two very deserving recipients. It isn’t often that we do this and we beg your indulgence.
First and foremost, to Israel “Defense” Minister Ehud Barak. Yes, the quotes are intentional because we aren’t sure who he is defending. It certainly isn’t the residents of Sderot and Ashkelon. Perhaps we should indeed remove the quotes from “Defense” and put them on “Israel”? So – first, he gets the award for dumb moves as he authorizes humanitarian aid to Gaza while the rockets fly overhead in the opposite direction. While this is the final reason why he won this year’s award, we cannot forget that he has also been holding the army back for many weeks, preventing it from responding to hundreds of rocket and mortar attacks – so, this one’s for you, Ehud. You have definitely earned the Dumb Moves of the Year award!
And secondly, because despite an incredible come back toward the end of the year that enabled, even required, us to give the award to Ehud Barak, by far, the leader in the Dumb Moves Award category through much of the year was Ehud Olmert. For reasons too numerous to mention, for idiocies far and above the call of duty, for bad decision after bad decision, you too have earned the Dumb Moves of the Year award!
So, for all those dumb things that you’ve done now and throughout the year, we jointly award this year’s honor to both Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak…And suggest that maybe mothers think twice before giving their child the name Ehud for a while. Of course, if Member of Knesset Aryeh Eldad has his way, Ehud Barak will not only receive our award, he’ll also be charged with “aiding an enemy in the time of war.” While we agree with this suggestion, we still maintain that Ehud Barak deserves our award.
Stay tuned for other awards we hope to offer in the next few days.
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