1093 Days and Counting

Today is the 1093rd day that Gilad Shalit has been in captivity, denied even the most basic rights of any soldier – to be in contact with his family, to hear from them and to let them know he is alive and well.

This Thursday, it will be 3 years. If you are on Twitter, please post using the hashtag #Gilad. Our goal is to push Gilad’s name to the top of the trend tracker, which tracks the most talked about topics on Twitter. The pressue must mount, the world must demand that Gilad comes home.

On Thursday – Israel should close all the Gaza crossings in protest.

On Thursday – every Israeli ambassador in every country where we have an embassy, should pass a letter to the leaders of that country demanding that they do all they can to bring Gilad home.

On Thursday – everyone should call their government leaders, send an email or a fax.

On Thursday – say a prayer for Gilad, send a tweet with the hashtag #Gilad.

Gilad was a 19-year-old boy when he was kidnapped from Israeli soil. I have watched my son grow from the time that he entered the army, also at 19 years of age. Gilad’s mother has missed all that has happened to him; she has been denied his voice, his hugs, his smiles.

Those that entered the army with Gilad have all finished their service to our nation – but our nation has not finished its service to Gilad.

Thursday is Gilad’s day! Please – on Thursday – join us on Tweeter! #Gilad… till Gilad comes home.


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