We forget sometimes, that we aren’t alone, that others have gone through what we are now experiencing. We forget sometimes, the universality of the life we live. Israel is a nation at war. We have lived in constant warfare for all of our existence. We have never experienced peace, never a moment when we weren’t anticipating the next barbaric attack and wondering who, where, how many. The one thing we never wondered about was the why. We know why we fight, why we live here, why we belong to…and in…this land.
Since Oct. 2002 I’ve been a military mom, first of one, then two, now back to one. I remember the day my son came home from the long day of physicals and papers and, finally, signing the dotted line. I had cried all day, but I said to him “You have chosen an honorable thing and I’m proud of you. But I’m going to cry, I can’t help it.” With that understanding, I’ve cried and he’s hugged and we said goodbye and hello many times during his four years of active duty.
About 6 months prior to his enlistment a childhood friend of mine, married with two small children, was killed in a car accident by a woman who was drunk and high on drugs. While I grieved the loss of my friend, I was struck by the realization that although her parents (her dad performed our wedding ceremony) lived down the road from her, they could NOT take her next breath had she been standing next to them and I can’t take the next breath for my children either. Only G-d can do that. Only He knows the number of their (and my) days. I need to remember the one who created them, who knows them by name, and who loves them, holds them in the palm of His hand. That brings a peace, even in the tears, and makes it easier to serve on the sidelines, which is what we moms do. That knowledge sustained me even when I knew he was in combat.
Write often! Talk even if he calls late at night and wakes you out of a sound sleep! Keep relatives and friends updated; their prayers will be the wind beneath your wings and his.
Blessings and hugs from one military mom to another.
We forget sometimes, that we aren’t alone, that others have gone through what we are now experiencing.
We forget sometimes, the universality of the life we live. Israel is a nation at war. We have lived in constant warfare for all of our existence. We have never experienced peace, never a moment when we weren’t anticipating the next barbaric attack and wondering who, where, how many. The one thing we never wondered about was the why. We know why we fight, why we live here, why we belong to…and in…this land.
That we don’t forget – but we do forget, sometimes to thank the others who support us. So, today, I want to thank so many of you. I started to type your names, but then got scared I’d forget someone, so let me just thank you all for all you do to support and encourage me. Sometimes we forget there are other people out there experiencing the same thing, or those who have come before us. Just as we now try to give advice to those entering this long and uncertain period of our sons and daughters lives…there are those ahead of us who help us and those who follow, that we try to help.
For all the hugs I have received, please know that I return each one. Yes, MamaTod, you are so correct, May we all share “Blessings and hugs from one military mom to another.”
“Every soldier is one of our own. Every soldier’s family IS our family.” That’s my tagline on SA.
YOU are family. It really is that basic.