Vote for Israel…it can’t hurt

In general, I don’t love these non-scientific polls that are based more on how fast one side can rally people than actual opinion. On the other hand, I can’t resist pushing this one…so, Jewish bloggers of the world unite! Let’s see if we can blow this one out of the water!

11,000 people have voted so far – we aren’t too far behind…but we could get really far ahead. As the old saying goes – vote fast, vote often…!

If I were writing this survey, I’d write different options, but # 1 is the best option we have…so please, click on the link below and vote!

Dear Friends,

Germany’s biggest Newspaper FAZ” is launching a survey about the conflict in Gaza . Voters can choose between 4 statements:

1. Israel must protect her citizens against Terror Hamas provoked Israel

2. Israel blockaded peace in the Middle East and shall not be surprised now

3. In principle Israel is right but the attacks on Gaza are totally exaggerated

4. Situation is not clear enough to decide who is right or wrong

This newspaper is very influential in Germany. Most politicians and managers are reading it. So far about 11.000 people gave their vote:

1. statement: 40%
2. statement: 44%
3. statement: 7%
4. statement: 9%

We still can change the results. (Remember? Yes we can!)

Please copy this link: forward this to everybody you know around the globe!

Urge your friends and family to vote!

Right now as a surprise the majority of the media in Germany are in favor of Israel.

So is the political establishment, including Chancellor Angela Merkel.

But: as longer the conflict is going on as more people here will be overwhelmed with mercy for poor Hamasnikkim. Israel PR is weak?

Not this time!



  1. well quick – go back and vote again! Last time I checked – several hours ago, Israel was “ahead” 75%.

    These are definitely silly surveys of little import…unless it overwhelmingly goes against us and then, all of a sudden, they carry great meaning. Either way – vote and vote often!


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