This video was taken a few days ago in Maale Adumim. It was at a ceremony honoring the 54 new volunteers to the police and neighborhood watch – including my husband. It’s in Hebrew – sorry for those who don’t understand. Several speakers.
The first announces how many volunteers, that they come from many countries, some very new to Israel.
The second speaker speaks of this being a part of their integration into the community.
At 1:37 and 1:45 minutes into the tap, you’ve got a nice close up of my husband!
The third and fourth speakers sort of say the same thing…
The fifth speaker is Benny Kashriel – the mayor of Maale Adumim for something like the last 20 years.
Pretty impressive, no? It was a very nice ceremony! So, all told, my husband volunteers with the local police; my oldest daughter volunteered for the ambulance, Elie, Shmulik, and Davidi have all volunteered as well (Elie and Davidi still do). Elie’s wife also volunteers with the ambulance. So, that leaves…well, me and my youngest daughter…we’ll have to come up with something.
Exactly what makes Israel so special. Great video! Each time I watched it, I was able to understand more of the Hebrew, but I couldn’t figure out what the books were that were handed out with the certificates. Please explain.
toda raba.
Hi Lynne – thanks for asking. The books were Bibles – given to each person who had finished their training. It was really a very nice ceremony – made more beautiful by the nature of the participants – regular Israelis, plus a large number of Ethiopian Jews and a large number of anglo/American Jews – some who have been here (like us) for 20 years, and some who have been here for even as little as 2 years.
od pa’am — once again, exactly what makes Israel so special…..the presentation of a tanach to reinforce the connection to the land and the people. Thanks for the prompt reply. Lynne
You volunteer for Israel’s PR in all your internet writing etc.