True Words…Israel in a few Sentences

I’ll start by saying I never bought into the sudden great love affair Israelis had/have with Yitzchak Rabin. I think he was a terrible leader, a horrible husband, an absent father. He spearheaded a campaign to alienate and divide Israelis. Rather than stop attacks on a segment of the population, he vilified that population, targeted them…today known as “settlers”…so that the pain of having a settler murdered was considered expected, anticipated.

Having said all of that, I’ll give the man his due on this one occasion and say that these words he spoke were true – then, and now. Despite his politics, he was a general who served his country for many years. He proved, as too many of our generals have proven in the past – that military glory doesn’t always translate into good leadership off the battlefield. But his devotion to his soldiers…that was always clear and these words he spoke deserve to be remembered.


  1. i dont know if i accept your judgment of rabin. i do know that he freed the jerusalem road in the 48 war.
    he was 24 years old.

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