A rabbi was attacked on the streets of Amsterdam yesterday. The rabbi was beaten, kicked and spat upon. The man who attacked him was a Muslim. Realizing that he was in serious danger by the anger and hatred of the man who approached him, the rabbi asked a passersby for help – but was ignored.
The attacker was probably blinded by hatred because he missed one key factor. The Jew he was beating was a member of Neturei Karta, an organization that is as anti-Zionist and anti-Israel as the Muslim attacker. Interestingly enough, the Muslim was being honest enough to know that there is no real difference between a Zionist and a Jew. The rabbi, however, remains stupidly blind to this simple fact.
This rabbi, who holds Israeli citizenship, belongs to an organization that has stood with Iran in calling for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. And in this incident, he proves the very reason why Israel must exist. For the Jews too stupid or too blind to realize it, Israel continues to provide a safe haven. Israel is a beacon of light, warning the world that there will never be another Holocaust.
At the President’s Conference, Bibi Netanyahu stood up and with the conviction we all feel, said, “I won’t allow it.” He was, of course, speaking for all Israel and for all Israelis.
Yes, a rabbi was beaten in Amsterdam because he wears the garb of the Jew and despite his blind stupidity in belonging to an organization that actually agrees with his attacker, he still became a victim of hatred.
In the logical world. the rabbi would realize his mistake; understand that to the man who attacked him, all Jews deserve to be beaten, and all of Israel is occupied and needs to be destroyed.
In the real world, the beaten rabbi would understand that ONLY through Israel, will the Jewish people avoid another Holocaust because when all is said and done, only Israel provides the protection, the haven, we need.
As the Syrian border heats up, nations pull their “peacekeeping” forces away. Yesterday – two things happened – a rabbi was beaten for being a Jew, even a blind and stupid one, and seven rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza.
The rabbi remains in the hospital; Israel’s air force flew into action this morning answering the attack by hitting multiple military targets.
I don’t expect the rabbi to become enlightened; I don’t expect Gaza to learn either.
May God bless the land and people of Israel, even the stupid ones, and may the Guardian of Israel protect our guardians, our sons and daughters who defend this land.
Some people won’t learn.
Even after being beaten nearly to death! There is no contradiction between Judaism and Zionism. The need for a sovereign Jewish State remain as obvious as ever.
Except to a very deluded anti-Zionist “rabbi” in Amsterdam who can’t follow the dots!
Go figure.