So, I’ll start off with an apology to Bee and others. Passover is a special holiday and a very difficult one for me. This year, with wedding plans for Shmulik (and yes, I have the amazing pictures and have to post them!!!) and so much going on, I’ve been absent for a week. This is the second day of Passover – first day of the intermediate “semi-holiday” days here in Israel while being “full-holiday” mode outside Israel.
Because we have guests from Israel, I guess we are somewhere in the middle. It is semi for me, full for my guests and soon I’ll be serving a holiday meal again, though my kids will likely rebel at the idea of another full holiday meal.
So, I’ll be back in full blogging mode as soon as I can – sorry if I worried anyone! One amazing concept was presented at our seder – I’ll try blogging that next, but this short post is just to apologize to those I worried and thank you all for caring! May this be a Passover of freedom (from slavery, from terrorism and yeah, from dishes too!).
as long as you and your family are safe and well is all that matters.