The Dobkin brothers have a fish farm on Moshav Tkuma, 5 km from Gaza.
They make their living selling fresh and frozen fish to restaurants, wedding halls and individuals in the area. Due to the situation they are without a livelihood. Moshav Tkuma is currently a closed military area.
Instead of complaining or asking for government aid, they are taking the initiative to market their fish in the center of the country in the next few days:
TA, Sharon, Ramat Aviv, Givat Shmuel, Rehovot, Kiryat Ono, Jerusalem, Gush Etzion and other places.
They have an extensive menu of available types of fish, prepared to customer order.
Since attachments cannot be sent with this mailing to the list, I am acting as a clearing house for your enquiries.
Send a request to: info @ (without the spaces before and after the @) and I will send you their Price List and Order Form – in English.
The Moshav is religious and all products are kosher. Their telephone number is on the Price List so that you can make the necessary relevant enquiries if you wish. I have absolutely NO connection with the Dobkin brothers, nor am I profiting from their initiative.
But reaching out and helping in times of need – THIS is Israel!
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