You know, there are things I really don’t want to know about and this next story drops firmly in that category. While this is important information for dog lovers (of which I am one), it still seems so…so…so personal. Do we really need to know this?
I guess it makes sense and we should all be held accountable – according to YNET, one Israeli city is making sure this is the case…
An Israeli city is using DNA analysis of dog droppings to reward and punish pet owners.
Under a six-month trial program launched last week, the city of Petah Tikva, a suburb of Tel Aviv, is asking dog owners to take their animal to a municipal veterinarian, who then swabs its mouth and collects DNA.
The city will use the DNA database it is building to match faeces to a registered dog and identify its owner.
Owners who scoop up their dogs’ droppings and place them in specially marked bins on Petah Tikva’s streets will be eligible for rewards of pet food coupons and dog
toys.But droppings found underfoot in the street and matched through the DNA database to a registered pet could earn its owner a municipal fine.
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