News is happening so fast today, it’s hard to get any work done. Israel is very much like this – a fast moving society…fast in how we drive, fast in how we live, and sometimes, fast in how the news happens. Thanks to the Internet, we are bombarded with what is happening. For those who want to know about some excellent news sites in Israel, here’s a list of the ones I know. Feel free to tell me about others.
As for today, a man was just killed and eight others wounded in Ashkelon from a Grad missile. Three rockets were launched against Israel this morning. A terrorist decided to start stabbing people in Kiryat Sefer, and buses and cars in many places in Israel have been attacked by rocks and firebombs.
And above my head, dark clouds are moving in over Jerusalem. Rain is a blessing here, not a curse. We have had an unusually dry winter so far. One that follows many others such that we are desperate for water and rain, as our national reservoirs reach critical levels. Perhaps, just perhaps, the rain is a sign from God that He is pleased that we are finally defending the land that He gave us, finally saying that we can take no more. We have worked for peace, compromised for peace. Now, as our Defense Minister said only a few days ago, sadly, now is a time to fight.
The atmosphere here is one of resolution and pride. Resolution because we know that we cannot continue to allow our citizens to suffer and pride because, at long last, our government is allowing our army to do what it know best to do. Am Yisrael Chai – the people, the nation of Israel lives!
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