Month: December 2012

I’d Rather Go to Jail
So spoke Elie this morning as we were driving in. For a change, I was driving and he was reading the newspaper. He would laugh […]

The Bravery of the UN Peacekeepers Tested Again…
That’s right…once again the Middle East is testing the bravery of the United Nations peacekeepers, and once again, they are failing that test. The United […]

Twenty-Seven World Idiots Meet On a Hill
To discuss a hill where no one lives… I just can’t get over this. I’m trying to understand the urgency. Britain’s Foreign Minister says there […]

I Missed One Shot
If there is one thing they teach Israeli soldiers before handing them a gun, it is the responsibility that comes along with it. I’ve never […]

Craving Normal
Normal is that status where life just is. Normal is when you don’t hear sirens in your head, listen for ambulances, imagine the phone ringing. […]

E1 is a Mountain, Not a Statement
After a long day at work, I got a phone call from my mother who was upset about England, France and Germany condemning Israel and […]

History of E1
The world is up in arms, as it so loves to be. What is it about now? No, no – not Syria and the violence […]

To Germany from a Jew in Israel
Of all the countries in the world, it seems the one I am least able to understand is Germany. I can’t tell you when I […]